
SustainHealth: The Aged Care Royal Commission Findings

SustainHealth: The Aged Care Royal Commission Findings

The Aged Care Royal Commission findings revealed failures of the current system after a two-year investigation into the sector’s failings.

This topic is something that people in our sector and the wider community care about deeply, with good very reason.

Key Highlights Include:

?Aged Care in Australia being called out as weak and ineffective, with unsuitable systems and processes, that don’t properly protect those who access Aged Care services

?Aged Care is significantly underfunded, due to historic government cost-cutting

?$452.2 million in emergency funding being committed to tackle “immediate issues”

?148 recommendations were handed down, after 2 years of investigation and over 640 witness testimonials

?The government committed to reforming Aged Care and redesigning the Aged Care Act, 1997

?With many conflicting and contrasting recommendations from commissioners, the government and Aged Care advocates point out, that long term change and investment will take time to agree on and work through
In light of the findings, SustainHealth Recruitment continues to consult with the Aged Care sector, committing to being part of the solution.

As Scott Morrison so carefully points out… “Australians must be able to trust that their loved ones will be cared for appropriately and the community should have confidence in the system.”
#agedcareaustralia #agedcareworkers #nursesonlinkedin

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