SustainHealth Recruitment Turns Four!
Happy Birthday to us! Happy Birthday to us!
A Birthday is a good time to reflect on the last year and look at key learnings, key achievements, moments you are proud of. But with the Olympic Games just finished (which usually comes around every 4 years) and us celebrating our first 4 years this month, I am inspired to look into the last 4 years and remind us of what we have achieved together.
As a team, we shared stories, remembered our good days, and not so good days, and reflected on how mad time has flown. But while reflecting, we realised the common denominator through all this time has been our Company Director Kay, her vision, leadership and drive. When you see good news stories on social media, it is usually about the team or a milestone achieved, but rarely an acknowledgement or thank you to those leading us. Bazar, as we know Kay works just as hard as all of us at SustainHealth.
This is why, as a team, on our ‘first four’ we decided to dedicate this blog to you, Kay. Thank you for your continued support, direction, belief, and laughs. Here is to our next 4!
What is a Leader? How can you tangibly evidence “They are a Born Leader”?
• Kay made the decision to start up SustainHealth, with a clear Mission to Enrich Lives. A big move and a big statement. This step has brought us all together as a team, a team that gives us joy every day.
• In 2017 we worked with our first client, placed our first nurse, and hired our first team member.
• In 2018, we had to see could we do 2017 again – was it a fluke, or was it skill? Kay was evolving as the business grew, constantly pushing herself to learn, develop, be a better leader, create efficiencies, support her team. Staying courageous is difficult for most of us. And we thank you for staying focused on your overall mission to Enrich Lives; you keep us on track always.
• In our 3rd year we supported hundreds to find their next role, we developed as a team, our experience grew, and Kay empowered us to develop, grow, or lead; Take ownership of our story and our careers. A big step in leadership is to step back and invest your time to coach us, but we thank you for trusting us.
And our 4th year. What can we say? Hello Covid! We just got comfortable, but why not continue to give us the biggest challenge we have ever faced in life, let alone in work. We were reminded (by Kay) that we have a responsibility to support our industry, even when we were learning and adapting to the unknown. We had a responsibility to our industry. Knowledge was power and informing ourselves how to do it safely was key. We adapted to working from home, then the office, then at home again. Keeping us on track to continue to enrich lives I am sure wasn’t easy, especially over zoom. But what must have been even harder to achieve over zoom (and we still don’t know how you did it) was how you made us feel! “Safe, appreciated, connected, and motivated”. You gave us purpose as a team, but also a great sense of pride when looking back over the last 12 months.
Our team members grow every year, we evolve every year, here is to our next 12-months. We are excited to go on that journey with you.
I asked the team to reflect on their time in SustainHealth and describe “Who Kay is” and below are some responses. What is clear, we are so proud to be part of your ‘first four’. You have impacted us all in different ways. There is no ‘one size fits all “Leadership Approach” and we appreciate the time you have given to get to know us, our passion, our motivations, and triggers. What a Leader, What an individual.
Here is to the next 4!
“The ring-leader.”
“Focused, diligent, bubbly and enthusiastic.”
“Successful from being motivated, persistent, and brave.”
“Hardworking, good fun and admirable.”
“Dedicate, Passionate, and Bonkers (in the best way possible) – you can’t take it too seriously (even though she really does) but she is always able to shed perspective on a challenge which is a rare mix of traits.”
“I am so proud to be in a company that is directed and owned by a strong, capable and inspiring leader. Kay is the most incredible and inspiring leader who always wants the best for her employees.? We are always put first. Couldn’t be prouder to say I work for Kay at SustainHealth!”
“Kay has the ability to make you see the stars and go for them, even when you don’t know yourself that it can be achieved” When she believes it, she is usually right. An Inspiration!”
“She is kind and caring, authentic, loyal, and inspiring.”
“Kay is a true inspiration and if I must say, the best person to promote “Recruitment with Heart” because everything she does and say comes from the heart.”
“I am so proud to be led by a person who is not only industry capable but is also an amazing person inside and out. She is a person who is all three – great boss, great mentor, and person.”
“Kay is someone who can instantly fill a room with positive energy. Her positivity and aura are so infectious that when you are having a bad day, you can’t help but feel bright and energetic after having a chat with her but also if you do have a bad day, and reach out to Kay, you feel you were listened to and understood.”
“She is one of the most inspiring women I know. Doesn’t stop learning, always generous to share her knowledge and has the most patience in teaching her team and to help them improve & grow as people.”
“When I see Kay, I think ‘women in power’ and ‘empowerment.”
“I worked with people in Leadership Roles before, but I have never bought into a Leader as much as I do with Kay. She is vulnerable, genuine, excellent, and fantastic. I am very proud and appreciative to be here and learn from you and your journey – Cheers to you and our first four years.”
“Inspirational, hardworking and compassionate.”
“I see Kay as a very human, approachable, friendly and driven person who can accomplish business goals while caring about the people around her and while remaining true to her integrity and moral values.”
Happy 4 years, from your Team, at SustainHealth Recruitment!
If you want to join SustainHealth please reach out to any of our friendly staff, you can find emails and telephone numbers listed on our website “About Us” page. https://www.sustainhr.com.au/about-us/
Written by:
Aoife Waters
Recruitment Business Manager
02 8274 4618