SustainHealth: R U OK DAY
More often than not, regardless of how you might be feeling or what’s going on, if you’re anything like me (and countless others) you’ll show up at work and for the people in your life as a happy and capable human, even when you’re not actually OK.
I know leadership can be tough, especially in this remote, midst of a global pandemic landscape!
With that in mind and in the spirit of R U OK Day, I wanted to share my thoughts on how we can all improve our mental wellbeing and raise awareness:
? Be kinder and more forgiving with yourself. We can’t get it right 100% of the time, we are all showing up and doing our best right now
? Be flexible, open to learning and try new approaches in these unusual and uncertain times
? Be aware of what is going on for your colleagues, friends and family, R they OK? Listening, encouraging action and checking in, can not only be a comfort to those suffering, but it might also save a life
? Accept there is no shame in being vulnerable, admitting you need support, guidance, encouragement, or that actually, you might not be doing OK
I hope you are all doing better than OK, but if you’re not, at anytime, help is out there:
Lifeline: 13 11 14
Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636
Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467
If you’re interested in finding out more about a career with SustainHealth, we would love to hear from you.
02 8274 4677