SustainHealth: International Women’s Day. #EachforEqual
At SustainHealth Recruitment, we work across various health and wellbeing industries where women are generally well represented. We are proud to work directly with and engage with women on a daily basis to empower them to achieve their best in their workplaces and their lives. SustainHealth Recruitment is currently an all-female team lead by our director and founder, Kay Reynoldson, who is passionate about women lead businesses and women in health. Whilst healthcare does have wide-ranging female representation, a trend that we at SustainHealth have recognised in the health and wellbeing sector is that women are being underrepresented in leadership positions across Australia. Our team is passionate and focused on advocating for change and increasing awareness around this matter, with the hope of influencing positive change in the market.
Women are Well-Represented in Healthcare, Just Not at the Top!
Our Favourite Books:
These are books that inspire and energise our team, client, and candidates and we wanted to share them with you in honour of IWD.
Lean In – Women, Work, and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg
This is going to hurt by Adam Kay
Twas the Nightshift before Christmas by Adam Kay
From Silence to Voice by Bernice Buresh, Suzanne Gordon
SustainHealth Charities
SustainHealth’s moto is Recruitment with Heart. We love giving back as organisation and we engage with charities that support people in remote healthcare, mental health across our communities and women to access sanitary products.
SustainHealth will be partnering with the CARE Organisations fundraising challenge, Walk in Her Shoes for the International Women’s Day this year. CARE Australia is a leading international aid organisation that works around the globe to save lives and defeat poverty while having women and girls at the heart of their work. CARE is committed to helping women and girls out of violence in families and workplaces while getting them better leadership skills through their work in many countries around the world.
The Black Dog Institute is SustainHealth’s main charity partner for 2020. The Black Dog Institute are known as a world-leader in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental illness such as depression and bipolar disorder.
The Black Dog Institute was founded in 2002 and is known to be a pioneer in the identification, prevention and treatment of mental illness, and the promotion of wellbeing. They are positive about improving the lives of people affected by depression, bipolar disorder and suicide. Combining expertise in clinical management with cutting edge research and evidence-based education and training, Black Dog rapidly translates quality research into life-saving clinical practice and public health policy.
At SustainHealth we place health and wellbeing professionals into remote and isolated communities on a daily basis. As a business we are keen to ensure that each of our remote candidates are aware of the support services available to them. A lot of these professionals are women and CRANAplus supports all workers creating a service for all.
The CRANAplus Bush Support Service offer free, confidential online and telephone counselling to all rural and remote clinicians and their families 24/7. CRANAplus exists to ensure the delivery of safe, high quality primary healthcare to remote and isolated areas of Australia. They are an affordable, grassroots, not-for profit, membership-based organisation that has provided over 30 years of education, support and professional services for the multi-disciplinary remote health workforce.
Share the Dignity is an Australian women’s charity focused on helping women who are experiencing domestic violence, homelessness or poverty throughout Australia. SustainHealth for multiple years have partnered with Share the Dignity #itsinthebag campaign, last year our amazing team, clients and candidates kindly donated 33 goodie bags to women and girls in need. We all have the power to make life a little better for a woman or girl experiencing homelessness or poverty by donating a handbag or wash bag full of essential items to the #itsinthebag collection. The festive season can be a difficult time for some, by donating these gifts, it is our way of giving back to those less fortunate at this time of year.
Final word
SustainHealth is dedicated to working towards a fair and equitable healthcare workforce where women can have leadership positions and have a clear career progression. SustainHealth works with many communities across Australia and we have a responsibility to make a change.
If you are looking for healthcare staff to help your team or are looking for a new role, do get in contact with us today to find out more.
Email: info@sustainhr.com.au
Phone: (02) 8274 4677
Address: 8/45 Clarence Street, Sydney,
NSW Australia 2000