SustainHealth in partnership with CRANAPlus
The SustainHealth team recently attended a workshop facilitated by Senior Clinical Psychologist Annemaree Wilson from the CRANAplus Bush Support Services team. Annemaree kindly joined us in the SustainHelath boardroom to talk to our team about the services offered by CRANAplus.
The CRANAplus Bush Support Service offer free, confidential online and telephone counselling to all rural and remote clinicians and their families 24/7. CRANAplus exists to ensure the delivery of safe, high quality primary healthcare to remote and isolated areas of Australia. They are an affordable, grassroots, not-for profit, membership based organisation that has provided over 30 years of education, support and professional services for the multi-disciplinary remote health workforce.
At SustainHealth we place health and wellbeing professionals into remote and isolated communities on a daily basis. As a business we are keen to ensure that each of our remote candidates are aware of the support services available to them.
Annemaree gave our team a detailed overview of the clinical support services that CRANAplus Bush Support Services offer and how we can promote the Bush Support Service to our health and wellbeing professionals.
One of the key issues that the CRANAplus psychologists deal with on a daily basis is the prevalent issue of work place bullying and supporting those who are working in a toxic professional environments. CRANAplus can offer support to health and wellbeing professionals and help them build thier resilience whilst teaching self care and coping mechanisms to deal with working in isolated and difficult professional environments.
If you are considering working remotely the SustainHealth team highly recommend speaking with the CRANAplus Bush Support psychologists BEFORE you head out on your adventure. The Bush Support Service team can offer you great advice on what to expect help you build confidence before you start your contract. The Bush Support psychologists welcome calls from anyone who has worked remotely in the past or will be in the future, they even extend this support to families of remote area health professionals, who are also encouraged to contact service.
CRANAplus also offer workshops and training to remote area health professionals, you can register your interest online at their website.
As a business SustainHealth Recruitment prioritises self-care and wellbeing. This extends to each and everyone of our valued clients and candidates, including those working in rural and remote locations across Australia. The CRANAplus Bush Support Service offer free, confidential online and telephone counselling to all rural and remote clinicians and their families 24/7. You can reach their team of qualified professionals on this free phone number: 1800 805 391 or find out more about the service here.