SustainHealth: How to stay productive while Working From Home
A change of working environment can lead to increased productivity for some, but on the other hand, can lead to a dip in productivity for others. Working from home doesn’t mean you are working alone.
At SustainHealth, we’ve taken the initiative to equip ourselves and be ready to work from home to ensure we are able to continue to support our healthcare clients and candidates in this time of need.
If the concept of working from home is new to you, there are several ways on how you can stay productive. Here are seven ways on how you can yourself up for success and stay at the top of your game whilst working from home during this period of uncertainty.
1. Start your morning as if you are going into the office
This sounds simple, but for those who have never worked from home before, it’s an important one to remember. When you think about working from home, some might have the perception that it involves lazing around in your pyjamas all day. But a more relaxed dress code can often mean a more relaxed day of work, which can greatly impact productivity levels when working from home. With this being said, it’s important that you still continue your morning routine as if you are getting ready for the office. Whether that consists of going for a run, having a shower or making a coffee, these are all things that will keep you in your work routine. It will also help to have a clear head when it’s time to log on for work.
2. Ensure your work set-up is safe
When you are working from home, it is important to ensure that your work space is safe. When it comes to work spaces, ensuring that you are set up safely and effectively is paramount for productivity.
For employers, you should send a reminder around to your team letting them know that they should have a clear desk to work on and a comfortable chair that is set to the correct height of their computer. This will reduce the chance of your employees having neck or back strain that could lead to other implications further down the track.
3. Prioritise you physical health
When working from home – and especially during this time when we’ve been advised to stay home – it can be easy to neglect your physical health. During times like this, it’s never been more important to focus on your physical health. Why? It can get your endorphins flowing and improve your overall mental health during an unsettling time. Some ways you can do to prioritise your health include:
- Drinking at least 2L of water a day
- Exercising for at least 30 minutes – This could be a walk around the block during lunch break, doing body weight exercises in the living room or practising yoga.
- Focusing on a healthy diet and eating balanced meals and snacks
An easy way for employers to remind employees is by sending out a daily reminder on your messaging app or via email telling your team to get up for 15 minutes and go for a walk.
4. Take regular tea and lunch breaks.
It sounds basic, but we all know how easy it can be to get caught up in a task and spend hours at your desk without a break. We also encourage you to make sure that you are stepping away from your work space during breaks and follow a ‘no eating lunch at your desk’ rule. Encourage this opportunity to get up, stretch and refocus. By taking regular breaks, you will:
- Be more productive
- Have improved mental health
- Be more creative in their thinking and work
5. Have daily team huddles in the morning
By having an online daily huddle in the morning, you can talk about what you achieved from the previous day, what you want to achieve for the day ahead and any issues or concerns to address. By sharing your team’s intentions for the day, everyone will feel more productive and ready to hit the ground running. This is a great way to stay productive and can assist with:
- The alignment of goals and tasks as a team
- Improved communication across teams
- Accountability and overall productivity
6. Keep in regular online contact with colleagues
It’s crucial to ensure that your team is regularly communicating with colleagues. There are a lot of online communications apps that can be used to communicate faster like Slack or Google Hangouts aside from sending out emails. When faced with an unknown amount of time to be working from home, it can take a toll on your mental health. Social isolation can greatly impact you, so it’s important that communication is reinforced. Scheduling virtual coffee dates is one way to beat social isolation and improve mental well-being.
7. Use task management tools
Whether it’s a simple to-do list or using a task management tool, it’s a great way to stay accountable and productive when working from home. We at Sustainhealth are big fans of planning our day ahead and we use various tools to allow everyone to map out their day whilst providing transparency to the team on what everyone is working on.
To learn more about joining our team, please contact our Compliance & Office Manager, Cara Cole on 02 8274 4687 or email info@sustainhr.com.au