
I recently joined the team here at SustainHealth Recruitment as the Compliance Coordinator and feel lucky to have joined a business who care about my wellbeing not only as an employee but also as an individual. My interests are valued and I am given flexible working opportunities to incorporate my interests and prioritise wellness as...

Happy Birthday to us, (well almost) but it is official, SustainHealth Recruitment are 6 months old today! Not that we're counting but that's, 182 days, or 26 weeks or 4380 hours and which ever way you look at it, it's the first significant milestone on our...

The new year is off to a cracking start here at SustainHealth and we are excited to announce that our wonderfully talented Para Consultant Ami Flowers has recently been promoted to Recruitment Consultant. Ami joined the business back in August 2017, just a few weeks after our...

Last week I received a hand dropped letter to my home. The words I read were so heartfelt and courageous that it stopped me in my tracks and inspired me to write this post. The letter was written by my neighbour about his 30 year relationship. The couple had travelled...

Welcome to the team Ami Flowers! It's with great pleasure that we formally welcome our new Para Consultant Ami Flowers to the SustainHealth team. Although not the very first SustainHealth employee, that was our lovely office temp Anjelika, You can read more about Anjelika's experiences temping in a...