
SustainHealth: In Partnership with Steps In Education

SustainHealth: In Partnership with Steps In Education

SustainHealth recently had the opportunity to chat with a valued candidate, Maternal Child Health Nurse, Siglinde Angerer to discuss her business, Steps in Education.

Through her company, Siglinde offers a wide range of education services, delivered to service providers through her professional program in Early Parenting and Maternal Child health.

We had the chance to ask her a few questions about her career and what motivated her to set up her education business, read more about how you can access Siglinde’s services and what inspired her below.

What is your current role? 

Maternal Child Health Nurse

How many years experience do you have?

37 years

Where are you currently located?

I live in Melbourne

What inspired you to set up your business?

An interest in sharing my knowledge in a way that takes a step into reality without being scared and to never be afraid of asking for help

Who are you working with and what has the feedback been?

As this is a new venture supporting beginning practitioners of Allied health disciplines (most recently) and undergraduate nurses first clinical placement feedback has been encouraging (mentoring from an organisational needs basis).

Currently teaming up with an Allied Health colleague and a nursing colleague (extensive experience in change management, policy and procedure writing, risk management and in particular accreditation) to increase the business profile.

The webinars that I have produced have been seen by a couple of external people who have commented on them and have indicated that they have found the information valuable.  I will be launching these on my website at the end of August as a collection of masterclasses.

Why did you choose to set up a business online? 

Ability to add to increased business exposure, in supporting continuous learning.

Why do you do what you do?

I enjoy my job as a Maternal Child Health Nurse and I am always disappointed when taking on a job as a Child Health Nurse there appears to be no understanding of the important role we play. In particular supporting families in understanding developmental milestones of their children. It is through this lack of understanding and often this service is classed in the same cluster as a Pediatric nurse with little to no understanding of how different the roles really are, is a continuous battle.

What do you want other nurses to know about what you do and how they can help or get involved?

Support the service, begin to understand the important role of a Maternal Child Health Nurse and look at the website and take part in some one on one mentoring. This a service I would like to further develop in the next few months.

What does the future hold for you and your business, what are your plans?

Continue to develop some more professional development programs on line, continue with mentoring of individuals to support them when providing important services to families.

To find out about more of what Siglinde Angerer does or to engage her training services, please see her website here.

Thank you to Siglinde for her time, we wish her all the best with her venture. SustainHealth will certainly be in support of Steps in Education.


